Orchid: Contoh Text Report Bahasa
Orchidaceae are a family of Monocotyledon. They have a single sleeding leaf and their floral part in trees. Orchid family is the largest plant family which has more than 20.000 unique genera.Orchids are a cosmopolitan family found all the way from within the Arctic circle,the Island South of Autralia, and mostly in Asia.
Most orchids have leave of longitudional parallel with visible crossing. The colour of orchids flower can be varigated and display many different marking like purple,white, yellow, pink, and nearly black hues. Orchids feature thick white roots that illustrate their origin as Epiphites, or the plants that grow on other plants.
Orchids grow in almost all types of environment. They do not grow in soil, but they live on the ground while other grow perched on trees or rocks. Many others now growing in the green houses for sale to public.
The scent of orchids is frequently analysed by parfume to identify potential fragerance chemical. The other important use of orchid is their cultivation for the enjoyment of the flowers. In China, orchids have been used in traditional medicine in an effort to treat many diseases
Orchids have biggest family. The orchids family includes Vanilla, Orchis, and many commonly cultivated plant, such as Palaenopsis and Cattleya
Orchidaceae are a family of Monocotyledon. They have a single sleeding leaf and their floral part in trees. Orchid family is the largest plant family which has more than 20.000 unique genera.Orchids are a cosmopolitan family found all the way from within the Arctic circle,the Island South of Autralia, and mostly in Asia.
Most orchids have leave of longitudional parallel with visible crossing. The colour of orchids flower can be varigated and display many different marking like purple,white, yellow, pink, and nearly black hues. Orchids feature thick white roots that illustrate their origin as Epiphites, or the plants that grow on other plants.
Orchids grow in almost all types of environment. They do not grow in soil, but they live on the ground while other grow perched on trees or rocks. Many others now growing in the green houses for sale to public.
The scent of orchids is frequently analysed by parfume to identify potential fragerance chemical. The other important use of orchid is their cultivation for the enjoyment of the flowers. In China, orchids have been used in traditional medicine in an effort to treat many diseases
Orchids have biggest family. The orchids family includes Vanilla, Orchis, and many commonly cultivated plant, such as Palaenopsis and Cattleya
Contoh Report Text Bunga Mawar

Rose: Contoh Text Report Bahasa
If you are in love, you may remember a rose. It is a symbol of romantic thing. However do you know the nature of this beautiful flower?
Rose is in a family of Rosaceae. The flower is large and showy. The colours range from white through yellows and reds. Most species of rose are native to Asia,
Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Rose plants can grow in different size from compact, miniature, to climbers which reach 7 meters in height.
The popular species of roses are Banksianae, Caninae, Carolinae, Chinensis, Gallicanae. Banksianae is a rose flower from China which is white and yellow. Caninae is a species from Asia, Europe and North Africa which is pink and white. Carolinae is known from North America which has a white, pink, and bright pink colour. Chinensis is a white, pink, yellow, red and mixed-color rose from China and Burma. Gallicanae is a species of roses from western Asia and Europe which is pink to crimson.
Roses are best known as ornamental plants grown for their flowers in the garden and sometimes indoors. They have been also used for commercial perfumery and commercial cut flower crops.
If you are in love, you may remember a rose. It is a symbol of romantic thing. However do you know the nature of this beautiful flower?
Rose is in a family of Rosaceae. The flower is large and showy. The colours range from white through yellows and reds. Most species of rose are native to Asia,
Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Rose plants can grow in different size from compact, miniature, to climbers which reach 7 meters in height.
The popular species of roses are Banksianae, Caninae, Carolinae, Chinensis, Gallicanae. Banksianae is a rose flower from China which is white and yellow. Caninae is a species from Asia, Europe and North Africa which is pink and white. Carolinae is known from North America which has a white, pink, and bright pink colour. Chinensis is a white, pink, yellow, red and mixed-color rose from China and Burma. Gallicanae is a species of roses from western Asia and Europe which is pink to crimson.
Roses are best known as ornamental plants grown for their flowers in the garden and sometimes indoors. They have been also used for commercial perfumery and commercial cut flower crops.
Contoh Report Text Tentang Bunga
Melati (Jasmine)

Jasmin: Contoh Text Report Bahasa
Jasmine is an evergreen semi-vining shrub native to tropical areas of Southeast Asia, Africa and Australia. The plants are usually up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide.
Jasmine is a climbing vine with oval, shiny leaves and tubular, waxy-white flowers. It has small white star-shaped flowers. The Jasmine flower releases its fragrance at night after the sun has set and especially when the moon is waxing towards fullness, thus it is associated with soothing peaceful night-time moods. The leaves are oval rich green and have five to nine leaflets, each up to 2½ inches long.
The plant flowers from April to September. Jasmine is propagated by cuttings of nearly ripe wood in summer. Cuttings are planted in 3-inch pots within 4 weeks, then to 6-inches when pot is becoming filled with roots. The soil should be kept moist but well drained for optimum growth. Frequent pruning is required to grow it as a shrub of desired size. Pruning also helps keep an abundance of flowers, since flowers are produced on new wood. It grows in full sun to partial shade. Fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer.
Jasmine is an evergreen semi-vining shrub native to tropical areas of Southeast Asia, Africa and Australia. The plants are usually up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide.
Jasmine is a climbing vine with oval, shiny leaves and tubular, waxy-white flowers. It has small white star-shaped flowers. The Jasmine flower releases its fragrance at night after the sun has set and especially when the moon is waxing towards fullness, thus it is associated with soothing peaceful night-time moods. The leaves are oval rich green and have five to nine leaflets, each up to 2½ inches long.
The plant flowers from April to September. Jasmine is propagated by cuttings of nearly ripe wood in summer. Cuttings are planted in 3-inch pots within 4 weeks, then to 6-inches when pot is becoming filled with roots. The soil should be kept moist but well drained for optimum growth. Frequent pruning is required to grow it as a shrub of desired size. Pruning also helps keep an abundance of flowers, since flowers are produced on new wood. It grows in full sun to partial shade. Fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer.
Tasikmalaya, 11 februari 2013
Cendana. No. 16
Hello my friend, how are you doing,
there? I hope you are in good condition. I am sending this letter to give you
some good news.
It's been one year we separated,
since you moved to makassar. I miss you so much. I'm really looking forward to
meeting with you soon. After waiting for so long, i finally granted permission
to visit you in makassar. Maybe next month i will go there by plane. When i got
there, you have to take me around to the tourist attractions there. I really
wanted to visit the Losari beach. See you there buddy.
Your friend,
Dear Dina,
Hello my best friend, I will have a party for celebrating my birthday. It will begin on Saturday, January 11, 2014 at 8 PM. It will be held in my house, Sudirman Street No.037 Ciganjur South Jakarta. I do hope that you can come to gather with the other friends praying for my birthday. See you!
If you have any questions, call me at 0812345789101112
Your Beautiful Friend
Hello my best friend, I will have a party for celebrating my birthday. It will begin on Saturday, January 11, 2014 at 8 PM. It will be held in my house, Sudirman Street No.037 Ciganjur South Jakarta. I do hope that you can come to gather with the other friends praying for my birthday. See you!
If you have any questions, call me at 0812345789101112
Your Beautiful Friend
Anysa Nuria
Hi, Friends!
We are having a DINNER PARTY.
On Wednesday August 13th in class
VIIIA at eight o'clock.
All students of VIII A are supposed
to join.
Bring one or two friends and wear your
funniest clothes to make the party fun.
The chief of VIII A
King & Jones Logistics Ltd
118 Park Rd
B19 1SU
Telephone: 0111 333 2222
E-mail: kjl@kingandjones.com
Birmingham, 17 March 2011
C. Friedman
57 Queen Elizabeth Street
Dear Mr Friedman,
Re.: Invitation for interview as a result of application
As a result of your application for the role of [job name], we would like to invite you to attend an interview on [date], at [time] at our branch.
You will have an interview with the head of the department [name] and the undersigned. The interview will last about 45 minutes. Could you please bring a copy of your identity documents as well as a copy of your certificates with you to the interview.
Should the date or time be inconvenient, please contact [name] in order to arrange another appointment. We look forward to seeing you.
Kind regards,
Henry Jones
Personnel Manager
King & Jones Logistics Ltd
King & Jones Logistics Ltd
118 Park Rd
B19 1SU
Telephone: 0111 333 2222
E-mail: kjl@kingandjones.com
Birmingham, 17 March 2011
C. Friedman
57 Queen Elizabeth Street
Dear Mr Friedman,
Re.: Invitation for interview as a result of application
As a result of your application for the role of [job name], we would like to invite you to attend an interview on [date], at [time] at our branch.
You will have an interview with the head of the department [name] and the undersigned. The interview will last about 45 minutes. Could you please bring a copy of your identity documents as well as a copy of your certificates with you to the interview.
Should the date or time be inconvenient, please contact [name] in order to arrange another appointment. We look forward to seeing you.
Kind regards,
Henry Jones
Personnel Manager
King & Jones Logistics Ltd
Contoh Meeting Invitation Letter
12 Votes
Lee Jeans
Head of Chamber of Commerce
In Country D
April 3rd. 2006
Dear Sir or Madam
Re: Invitation to discuss
behalf of Marcia Lee Jeans, we would like to invite you to our company to
discuss our new company that we want to establish in this country. The
invitation is on April 6th, 2006.
company is Marcia Lee Jeans. Our centre is in New York. We are in clothing
industry that the product is made of denim. And we choose this country because
it has a large supply of skilled workers and that is what we need to develop
our company.
will be very pleasure if you give us an opportunity to build a new spirit of clothing
in this country. And we believe you could help us as you have done to other
hope this invitation is of interest and look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully
MS Suci Ayu Kurniah P.
Events Manager
cc: Head of Chamber of Commerce
01, 2010
Family and Friends,
would like to share with you the engagement of our son, Paulo John, to his
long-time girlfriend, Pamela Grace Sy. After sharing love-filled dates and
meetings within the past few years, Paulo already asked Mela’s hand for
marriage. Our son finally wanted to settle down into a family life, and he
would like to share that life with Mela. As it turns out, Mela is thinking of
the same thing.
were engaged last November 30, 2009 and they would want to announce it publicly
to everyone. In that note, we would love to see you in their engagement party.
14, 2010 at 4:00 o’clock PM at our home, 823 Youngstown Court, Hemet, CA 92222.
and Mrs. Robert E. Li
lengkap budaya ikan

Terdapat dua segmen usaha budidaya ikan lele, yaitu segmen
pembenihan dan segmen pembesaran. Segmen pembenihan betjuan untuk
menghasilkan benih ikan lele, sedangkan segmen pembesaran bertujuan untuk
menghasilkan ikan lele siap konsumsi. Pada kesempatan kali
ini alamtani akan membahas tahap-tahap persiapan budidaya ikan lele
segmen pembesaran.Penyiapan kolam tempat budidaya ikan lele
Ada berbagai macam tipe kolam yang bisa digunakan untuk tempat budidaya ikan lele. Setiap tipe kolam memiliki keunggulan dan kelemahan masing-masing bila ditinjau dari segi usaha budidaya. Untuk memutuskan kolam apa yang cocok, harap pertimbangkan kondisi lingkungan, ketersediaan tenaga kerja dan sumber dana ada.Tipe-tipe kolam yang umum digunakan dalam budidaya ikan lele adalah kolam tanah, kolam semen, kolam terpal, jaring apung dan keramba. Namun dalam artikel ini kita akan membahas kolam tanah, mengingat jenis kolam ini paling banyak digunakan oleh para peternak ikan. Sebagai pengetahuan tambahan, silahkan baca cara membuat kolam ikan. Tahapan yang harus dilakukan dalam menyiapkan kolam tanah adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Pengeringan dan pengolahan tanah
Sebelum benih ikan lele ditebarkan, kolam harus dikeringkan telebih dahulu. Lama pegeringan berkisar 3-7 hari atau bergantung pada teriknya sinar matahari. Sebagai patokan, apabila permukaan tanah sudah retak-retak, kolam bisa dianggap sudah cukup kering.Pengeringan kolam bertujuan untuk memutus keberadaan mikroorganisme jahat yang menyebabkan bibit penyakit. Mikroorganisme tersebut bisa bekembang dari periode budidaya ikan lele sebelumnya. Dengan pengeringan dan penjemuran, sebagian besar mikroorganisme patogen akan mati.
Setelah dikeringkan, permukaan tanah dibajak atau dibalik dengan cangkul. Pembajakan tanah diperlukan untuk memperbaiki kegemburan tanah dan membuang gas beracun yang tertimbun di dalam tanah.
Bersamaan dengan proses pembajakan, angkat lapisan lumpur hitam yang terdapat di dasar kolam. Lumpur tersebut biasanya berbau busuk karena menyimpan gas-gas beracun seperti amonia dan hidrogen sulfida. Gas-gas itu terbentuk dari tumpukan sisa pakan yang tidak dimakan ikan.
b. Pengapuran dan pemupukan
Pengapuran berfungsi untuk menyeimbangkan keasaman kolam dan membantu memberantas mikroorganisme patogen. Jenis kapur yang digunakan adalah dolomit atau kapur tohor.Pengapuran dilakukan dengan cara ditebar secara merata di permukaan dasar kolam. Setelah ditebari kapur, balik tanah agar kapur meresap ke bagian dalam. Dosis yang diperlukan untuk pengapuran adalah 250-750 gram per meter persegi, atau tergantung pada derajat keasaman tanah. Semakin asam tanah semakin banyak kapur yang dibutuhkan.
Langkah selanjutnya adalah pemupukan. Gunakan paduan pupuk organik ditambah urea dan TSP. Jenis pupuk organik yang dianjurkan adalah pupuk kandang atau pupuk kompos. Dosisnya sebanyak 250-500 gram per meter persegi. Sedangkan pupuk kimianya adalah urea dan TSP masing-masing 15 gram dan 10 gram per meter persegi. Pemupukan dasar kolam bertujuan untuk menyediakan nutrisi bagi biota air seperti fitoplankton dan cacing. Biota tersebut berguna untuk makanan alami ikan lele.
c. Pengaturan air kolam
Ketinggian air yang ideal untuk budidaya ikan lele adalah 100-120 cm. Pengisian kolam dilakukan secara bertahap. Setelah kolam dipupuk, isi dengan air sampai batas 30-40 cm. Biarkan kolam tersinari matahari selama satu minggu.Dengan kedalaman seperti itu, sinar matahari masih bisa tembus hingga dasar kolam dan memungkinkan biota dasar kolam seperti fitoplankton tumbuh dengan baik. Air kolam yang sudah ditumbuhi fitoplankton berwarna kehijauan.
Setelah satu minggu, benih ikan lele siap ditebar. Selanjutnya, air kolam ditambah secara berkala sesuai dengan pertumbuhan ikan lele sampai pada ketinggian ideal.
mengenai cara budidaya atau ternak
ikan Lele untuk pemula atau yang masih awam.
Buat anda yang saat ini mencari
panduan mengenai cara ternak ikan lele, saya ada sidikit informasi untuk anda
sebelum memulai membudidayakan ikan jenis ini, semoga apa yang saya tulis kali
ini bisa membantu anda. Pada postingan terdahulu saya pernah menulis artikel
dengan judul Cara ternak kenari untuk pemula dan juga budidaya ikan cupang hias jika anda sedang mencari informasi tersebut silakan di baca
siapa tau hal ini bisa menjadi motifasi dan inspirasi buat anda.
Baiklah kalau begitu tidak usah panjang lebar langsung saja ke topik utama yang akan kita bahas pada postingan kali ini yaitu tentang panduan cara budidaya atau ternak ikan lele.
Ikan lele adalah jenis ikan yang hidup di air tawar, peluang bisnis yang besar bila anda dapat memanfaatkan hal ini karena ikan lele merupakan salah satu makanan terfaforit di Indonesia.
Cara berternak dan budidaya ikan ini pun tergolong mudah
bahkan menurut saya sangat gampang sekali tapi meskipun mudah tetap harus
memperhatikan hal-hal berikut ini agar bisnis anda sukses.
1. Ikan Lele dapat hidup dengan suhu antara 20 derajat C - 28 derajat C.
2. Kolam ikan lele sebaiknya terhindar dari limbah industri pabrik.
3. Ikan lele menyukai perairan yang tenang meskipun keruh dan sedikit kandungan O2 (oksigen)
4. Permukaan kolam sebaiknya tidak tertutup.
Cara budidaya atau ternak ikan lele :
Baiklah kalau begitu tidak usah panjang lebar langsung saja ke topik utama yang akan kita bahas pada postingan kali ini yaitu tentang panduan cara budidaya atau ternak ikan lele.
Ikan lele adalah jenis ikan yang hidup di air tawar, peluang bisnis yang besar bila anda dapat memanfaatkan hal ini karena ikan lele merupakan salah satu makanan terfaforit di Indonesia.

1. Ikan Lele dapat hidup dengan suhu antara 20 derajat C - 28 derajat C.
2. Kolam ikan lele sebaiknya terhindar dari limbah industri pabrik.
3. Ikan lele menyukai perairan yang tenang meskipun keruh dan sedikit kandungan O2 (oksigen)
4. Permukaan kolam sebaiknya tidak tertutup.
Cara budidaya atau ternak ikan lele :
- Siapkan kolam untuk ikan lele.
Siapakan lahan yang cukup sebaiknya agak jauh dari
lingkungan masyarakat karena biasanya kolam lele sedikit menimbulkan bau yang
tidak sedap. Setelah mempersiapkan lahan kemudian keruk sedalam kira-kira 80 cm
. Masukan terpal pastikan posisinya sama dengan kerukan.contoh lihat gambar.
Selain itu kolam harus di bersihkan
dari berbagai penyakit biasanya di lakukan pengapuran dengan menggunakan kapur
Dolomit hal ini bertujuan untuk mengembalikan keasaman tanah dan mematikan
berbagai bibit-bibit penyakit.
Setelah semuanya selesai tinggal ke
langkah selanjutnya yaitu memasukan air ke kolam. Memasukan air ke dalam kolam
sebaiknya di lakukan bertahap mula-mula masukan air setinggi kira-kira 30
cm dan biarkan selama 3 sampai 4 hari hal ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan plankton
sebagai pakan alami ikan lele.
- Pemilihan indukan untuk ikan lele
Induk jantan mempunyai tanda-tanda
padatubuhnya contohnya seperti berikut :
- perut ramping tidak terlihat lebih
besar dari pada punggung
- tulang kepala berbentuk pipih
- warna lebih gelap
- gerakannya lebih lincah
- alat kelaminnya berbentuk runcing
Induk betina memiliki ciri-ciri
seperti berikut :
- perut mengembang lebih besar dari
pada punggung
- tulang kepala berbentuk agak
- gerakan lebih lamban
- warna badan lebih cerah
- alat kelamin betina berbentuk
- Pemijahan
Pemijahan adalah proses perkawinan
antara indukan jantan dan indukan betina. Tanda-tanda untuk indukan jantan yang
siap kawin yaitu alat kelamin berwarna merah sedangkan untuk indukan betina
tandanya sel telur berwarna kuning (jika belum matang berwarna hijau). Sel
telur yang telah dibuahi akan menempel pada sarang dan dalam waktu kurang lebih
24 jam akan menetas menjadi anakan lele.
- Pemindahan benih ikan lele
Setelah proses pemijahan hal yang
harus di lakukan selanjutnya adalah memindah benih ikan lele. Adapun cara-cara
pemindahanya adalah sebagai berikut :
kurangi air di kolam pemijahan
sampai tinggi air kira-kira 10-20 cm.
siapkan tempat penampungan ember
atau bak yang di isi dengan air dari kolam.
samakan suhu pada kedua kolam
pindahkan benih dari penampungan ke
kolam pendederan dengan hati-hati dan sebaiknya di lakukan pada malam hari,
karena masih rentan terhadap tingginya suhu air.
- Pendederan
Pendederan adalah proses pembesaran
hingga berukuran siap jual, yaitu antara 5 - 7 cm, 7 - 9 cm dan 9 - 12 cm
dengan harga berbeda-beda. Kolam pendederan permukaannya diberi pelindung
berupa enceng gondok atau penutup dari plastik untuk menghindari naiknya suhu
air yang menyebabkan lele mudah stress. Pemberian pakan mulai dilakukan sejak
anakan lele dipindahkan ke kolam pendederan ini.
- Pakan untuk anakan ikan lele
Cara budidaya atau berternak ikan lele agar sukses yang harus di perhatikan selanjutnya adalah
mengenai pakan. Pakan alami untuk benih ikan lele yang berumur 3 sampai 4 hari
berupa plankton, kutu air dan cacing kecil, jentik-jentik sedangkan pakan
buatan untuk umur anakan lele diatas 3 - 4 hari. Kandungan nutrisi harus
tinggi, terutama kadar proteinnya. Anda harus lebih maksimal dan selalu
mengamati kondisi anakan ikan lele karena biasanya banyak anakan ikan lele yang
mati setelah benih disebarkan.
Itu tadi sedikit ulasan dari saya mengenai Cara ternak ikan Lele, terimakasih telah berkunjung dan semoga artikel ini bermanfaat buat anda. Mohan maaf yang sebesar-besarnya jika kiranya tulisan saya ini kurang lengkap atau banyak terjadi kesalahan baik penulisan ataupun ejaannya. Kritik dan saran dapat anda sampaikan kepada kami melalui kotak komentar di bawah ini.
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