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Selasa, 23 Desember 2014

soal UN bahasa inggris tahun 2013 2014

Directions : In items 16-20, each item has four underlined words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), (D). you are to identify the one underlined words or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten, and mark your answer.
16.    Luna         : May I know why do you look so sad sir?
Mr. Rudi  : I’m really sad. My uncle passed away the day before yesterday.
Luna         : I’m very sorry to hear that, sir
Mr. Rudi  : Thank you very much
17.    Nadia       : Look at these shirts. Which one do you think is the best for me?
A                                                         B
Stevie       : It’s the blue one. It look small than the others and will fit you.
                                                              C                                          D
18.  News articles try to present only facts. The editorial page is the section of the news paper who news writer are given the opportunity to express their opinions about recent events
A                          B                                                         C
policies and community activities.
19.  Hasan       : Who is the boy? He has kinky black short hair?
A                                                     B        
Fauzan      : He is my friend from Papua
                   C                          D
20.    Rudi         : What’s up with you? You look awful
Lia            : I don’t know What to do. There are many victims of dengue fever
                                               A                     B                          
Rudi         : if I was you, I would clean my environment to avoid the increase of victims of
                          C                                                                                                D
dengue fever.
Reading comprehension
Questions 21 to 23 refer to the following letter

Dear sirs,
Our order EC/44561
            We regret to inform you that one of the cases of your consignment arrived in badly damaged condition. It is BF/46 containing 100 Doz. ‘Onset’. The lid was broken and the case with its content crushed. It looks as if some very heavy cargo had fallen into it. We have examined the boxes and find that about 46 dozen are in unsalable condition.
            We pointed out the damage when taking delivery and have endorsed our receipt.” 1 case severely”.
            We assume that you are taking the mater up from end as insurance had been affected by you.
Yours faith fully,

Venkat baradwaj

21.    Why did the writer send this letter?
A.    To order several kinds of product.
B.     To inform that the order has arrived.
C.     To complain the service.
D.    To complain that a part of the order was damaged.
22.    What does the delivery result in?
A.    It is uneasy to sell the products to the customers.
B.     The complaint is rejected.
C.     The products are delivered more and more.
D.    It is satisfactory for the customers for the product.
23.    … of your consignment arrived badly damaged condition. The underlined word means….
A.    Case                                                   C. Delivery
B.     Complaining                           D. Order
Questions 24 to 26 refer to the company profile

            A factory is a very big building where things are produced. In factory, machines are used. Therefore, many things can be done more rapidly. In every industrial town, we always find factories.
            Factories give job for many people. Those who work in factories will get money for their wages. Nowadays almost everything we wear and use has been produced in factory. Of course, some thing are still made by hand. Factory-made products are usually than handmade things.

24.    What is the text about?
A.    Machines in factory               C. People in factory
B.     The factory                             D. Hand made product
25.    What does a factory give to the people?
A.    Cheaper machines                  C. modern product
B.     Handmade things wages        D. working opportunities
26.    Those who work in factories will get money for their wages”.
The underlined word refers to …
A.    People                        C. Wages
B.     Factories                     D. Things
Questions 27 to 29 refer to the following famous person

Joan Chen was born in Shanghai in 1961. When she was 14, some people from a film studio came to her school and choose her to learn acting at the studio. She was happy about this chance, but mainly she likes the idea of getting out of school. Soon, however, she discovered that she really liked acting. At age 18, she won the Golden Rooster, China’s top film award.

27.    What is the paragraph about?
A.    The happiness of Chinese actresses
B.     The award nomination for studio school artist
C.     The idea of being a good film maker
D.    The successful Chinese actress
28.    Where did joan start to learning acting?
A.    In the studio               C. In Shanghai
B.     In Golden Rooster     D. At the school
29.    The synonym of the word “ award” is…
A.    Punishment                C. Prize
B.     Contribution               D. Reward
Question 30 to 32 refer to the following procedure

1.      Push in the control knob for the burner you would like to use and turn left to the “LITE” position. The clicking noise means the electronic ignition is activated.
2.      Immediately after the burner lights, turn the knob right until you get the flame heat you want.
3.      To turn the burner off, turn the control knob right to the OFF position.
   30.    What is the text about?
A.    How to install an antivirus
B.     How to burn a compact disc
C.     How to use a gas stove
D.    How to light the lamp on
31.    What should you do to get flame heat you want?
A.    Turn the knob left
B.     Turn the burner off
C.     Push in the control knob
D.    Turn the knob right
32.    What does “ the clicking noise” mean?
A.    The knob is controlled
B.     The electronic ignition is activated
C.     The burner is off
D.    The flame height is fixed
  Incomplete Dialogue.
Question 33 - 41
33.    Mother     : Where is your litter brother?
Ida           : … I saw him a minute ago
Mother     : Go and find him now. We are going to visit grand mother.
A.    He could play football outside
B.     He was with your grand mother
C.     He might play somewhere around the house
D.    He probably goes to school with his friends.
34.    Indah       : I need to make a vocation. I’m sorry so fatigue
Bayu        : …?
Indah       : It sounds great . I want to spend my day outdoor
A.    Do you mind staying at home
B.     Would you love to have meeting
C.     How if you continue working
D.    How about skying this weekend
35.    Shanti       : Do you still remember Anggi? She is an author now
Gery         : is she? What does she do?
Shanti       :…
A.    She travels around the world
B.     She teaches mathematics
C.     She writes new novels and travel memories
D.    She arranges music for an orchestra
36.    Tania        : which do you prefer, reading novel or listening to music?
Sally         : …. I love jazz very much.
A.    I like reading a novel
B.     I don’t prefer both
C.     I prefer listening to music
D.    I should read a novel
37.    Dian         : This coffee is bitter …
Zaky         : here it is. Sorry, I forgot to put into your glass.
A.    Try this coffee, please
B.     Bring me the sugar, please
C.     Take me a cup, please
D.    Give more coffee, please

38.  Mira         : I want to achieve the best score in my exam. I study hard every day.
Dessi        : … I know you deserve it
A.    I wish you will study harder
B.     I wish you could reach it
C.     I wish you had achieved it
D.    I wish you can be the best
39.    Arman      : what will you be when you grow up?
Hesti        : … I like investigating, gathering, and reporting on news
A.    I’m going to be a journalist
B.     I want to be interviewer
C.     I’ll be a foreign affair minister
D.    I will be a police woman
40.    Sarah        : Why didn’t you answer my call last night?
Fatir         : I’m sorry, when you called me…
Sarah        : So, no one at home I think
A.    I read a newspaper in the living room
B.     I have been sleeping
C.     I was attending my friends wedding
D.    I visited my grandmother out of town
41.    Zakia        : Why are there so many people on Sudirman street? What’s going on
Lusy         : oh… there are many cars decorated with different kinds of figures.
Zakia        ; really let’s take a look
A.    Many people are walking around the street
B.     They are watching parade
C.     Some people are playing football
D.    Many cars are being parked on the street
Cloze Test
Questions 42 to 50
              Dr. Regina will…(42) our company on Monday, September 8th ,
I would like you to prepare a program (43)… her. She will arrive in the morning before noon.
Please start with lunch and then show your department…(44)
42.    A.  Visited
B.     Visit
C.     Visits
D.    Visiting
43.    A.  Of
B.     Off
C.     To
D.    For
44.    A.  Effectiely
B.     Really
C.     Immediately
D.    Actually
       Solo Convention Center is looking for an assistant Convention Coordinator. Duties include organizing exhibit and meeting space for up coming conventions, overseeing exhibit set up, and…(45) audio visual request of participants. If you are good with details, enjoy people and don’t want to work…(46)the desk. This is job is suitable for you. Send your… (47) to : HRD Semarang Convention Center Jl. Pemuda 25 SMG.
45.    A.  Coordination
B.     Coordinating
C.     Coordinate
D.    Coordinates
46.    A.  Front of
B.     On
C.     Behind
D.    Under
47.    A.  Story
B.     Job vacancy
C.     Letter
D.    Applications
       The Omnicable company representatives…(48) yesterday that John A. Kaspar. It’s president and chief operating officer, would resign …(49) April 30. The announcement added to speculation that the world’s third…(50) cable television system would be bought within a few weeks. Mr. kaspar, 62 said he was leaving after more than 22 years for “Personal Reason”
48.    A.  Said
B.     Told
C.     Say
D.    Says
49.    A.  At
B.     With
C.     On
D.    In
50.    A.  Large
B.     Most largest
C.     Larger
D.    Largest

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